Her campaign released a poll yesterday showing it 44-43

Pollster has the 5 poll average at 44.8% Duckworth to 43.2% Roskam. It’s going to come down to turnout so take the day off–I’d be up there if I had any vacation.

3 thoughts on “IL-6 Bare Duckworth LEad”
  1. Anyone who wants to help out the Tammy Duckworth campaign should get in touch with the Rob Bisceglie http://www.votebisceglie.com or Joe Vosicky http://www.joevosicky.com

    They are both running professional state rep campaigns and they know their districts better than the Duckworth camp ever could. They know where their voters are — and their voters are Tammy’s voters.

    There is literally nothing you could do that would be more helpful to Maj. Duckworth than to team up with Rob or Joe in the run up to the election.

    http://www.votebisceglie.com or http://www.joevosicky.com

    Tell ’em an imaginary friend sent you.

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