If Anyone Thinks Burris Should Be Strengthened for 2010…

They need their head examined.  Burris should be targeted for defeat by Democrats for 2010:

WASHINGTON–Newly appointed Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is getting assignments from the Democratic leaders that will give him credentials in areas where he is short on experience– in national security and military affairs. This was done looking towards 2010, when Burris would have to run to keep the seat. Though Burris was seated after a fight–Senate Democratic leaders at first resisted an appointee of the tainted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich–those leaders have a vested interest in making sure Burris is strong enough to keep the seat in Democratic hands. Burris was named to the Armed Services, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Veterans Affairs committees.

I don’t doubt that Sweet has sources saying exactly this–that’s the problem.  The Senate Democrats don’t have to allow him to caucus with them, but clearly that might require something looking like a backbone.  Anyone who would take an appointment from Rod Blagojevich (and that means Granberg too) should be bounced as soon as possible.  We shouldn’t be strengthening Burris, but putting him on loser committees and ignoring all of his bills.  I’d love to hear what Roland Burris thinks about Indian Affairs (not a loser committee, but to an Illinois Senator with no signficant American Indian population or reservation it’s a loser).

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