A strange way to start off a Draft Oberweis campaign.
And I think Oberweis would make a fantastic Republican Nominee.
Call It A Comeback
A strange way to start off a Draft Oberweis campaign.
And I think Oberweis would make a fantastic Republican Nominee.
Looks like he wanted to be president himself (the link is a google cache entry) look here..
There are no pretty republicans left, I guess.
thats Uberweiss!
Oberweis is to the Senate campaign: what Mitch Williams was to the Cubs.
I voted for Ryan specifically to make sure that this racist a-hole Oberweis wouldn’t win. Ooh, what luck!
It only seems fair to give Oberweis the Senate nomination, he was the voters’ choice after Ryan. Then Dave Weigel can vote for Obama specifically to make sure that Oberweis doesn’t win!
No, no. FREE ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE! I can get behind that ticket.
And besides that, when have seriously right wing Republicans cared about being seen as racists? Now, my problem with Ryan is that he’s an idiot.
You don’t tell the Ascended GOP Masters that your skeletons in the closet aren’t there, and besides, that’s not my sh*t, that’s chicken salad – and expect to stay in.
You don’t try to use your kid as cover when your pecadillos come up in public. If you’re afraid of being found out for something that your base won’t tolerate, don’t run for public office.
And offending Jeri Ryan to the point where she dumps you because she’s not kinky enough for you?
Maaaaan. Bad, bad, bad judgement. I wouldn’t let this guy manage my portfolio or drive my bus.
Senate, n.:
A body of elderly gentlemen charged with high duties and
— Ambrose Bierce