I Couldn’t Write This As Parody

Horowitz is up to his schtick over at Right Wing News

Eric Alterman is a charlatan and a fool and the media is obviously left-wing. I can tell you that personally because there is nobody really that I could call at the LA Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and find an ideological friend. At least no one that I know. Whereas Eric Alterman could call all of them. Let me put it this way; an extremist, a supporter of every American enemy since he was potty trained like Eric Alterman could get editorial support in those venues. Every major metropolitan newspaper in America is written by Democrats in the main. To say, "What liberal media?" Only a blind person could come up with a title like that.

an extremist, a supporter of every American enemy since he was potty trained like Eric Alterman

That just makes me giggle.

an extremist, a supporter of every American enemy since he was potty trained like Eric Alterman

I save language like that for Matt Hale, but it is everyday hyperbole for Horowitz.

an extremist, a supporter of every American enemy since he was potty trained like Eric Alterman

I may keep repeating that line for several days–it really makes me giggle…

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