Best Response by the Auditor to a Runman charge (well that I found yet)
Comment 8: We?re puzzled as to how Director Rumman could have had a discussion with the auditors at the entrance conference about unsubstantiated media allegations when, in fact, Director Rumman did not attend the entrance conference. Furthermore, no auditor in attendance could have been ?slightly embarrassed? by a point that was not made by a person who was not there. At any rate, as pointed out previously, the auditors are responsible under generally accepted government auditing standards to assess the risk involved in an agency?s operating environment at the outset ? as well as periodically throughout ? an audit engagement. However, media reports are
never used as ?source materials? or support for audit findings.
CPAs Gone Wild: State Auditor audits CMS… Hillarity Ensues
I haven’t gotten anything out on this because I’ve been either working on COTV or my paper, but this is absolutely hillarious… The State Auditor issued his audit of CMS (the central purchasing and contracting agency for the state of Illinois) and ran…