I’ll add kids should learn that wearing a helmet when cycling is non-negotiable, but what Eric says (though I have one less)

ZORN REPLY – I have three children. We aren’t particularly rigid parents and I’m not going to hold us out as models of perfection-we’ve been known to bend on bedtimes, food choices and so on, and, yes, every once in a while we give in to a particularly well thrown tantrum. But some things have always been non-negotiable. And the kids learned at the earliest possible age that they must always, always be properly seated/belted in the car or the car doesn’t move. Period. Give in on this point just once and you’ve guaranteed yourself years of nagging trouble, at best.

2 thoughts on “Helmets and Seatbelts”
  1. I couldn’t agree more. I echo everything said above, two kids, bend here, break there, but never on basic safety issues. Kids know when you are really serious about something. Somehow they know that getting a bath and wearing seat belts aren’t in the same category.

  2. I find that the safety of those who have no say in such matters, as that applies to children, is a fair, reasonable, and also a great thing to do.

    However, I believe we are pushing the safety thing too far. We have to wear seatbelts as adults. This is a law. Pretty soon we will have to wear teeth protectors in case of an accident in a car. The list goes on.

    Should we suspend all activities that are too dangerous. No airplanes taking off without training wheels?

    It should be left for us to decide whether we are going to take a risk or not. If we are hurting ourselves and not others, there should be no jurisdiction. Can you not rely upon your God to protect you, or has this country turned its back against God and is now trying to build the tower of Bable, thinking that we can control death and dismemberment. Just at the tower of Bable we thought we could reach heaven because we have outwitted God.

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