From John Cole who has been mighty funny as of late:
I Feel Like Rich Lowry
The first half hour of Countdown tonight was the most fun I have had with my clothes on in years. Watching Shuster, Alter, and O’Donnell chronicle McCain’s attempted walkback of the mob, knowing full well that he once again undercut his campaign, as they just upped the ante on the crowd’s behavior by defending them, and while knowing the RNC has an ad out pushing the Ayers nonsense, was just glorious. These incompetent boobs have themselves twisted up into a knot and backed into a corner, with nowhere to go and the election two weeks out and Independents and moderates looking at the McCain campaign like they are junior brownshirts.
Then, when it was flashed across the screen that the Troopergate report has been released and it was determined Palin abused her authority, it was like David Shuster winked at me and it sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around my living room.
I need a shower and a cigarette.
Go read the rest.