[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/9zwbhAXe5yk" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
On another note, why are there so many loons who think that speaking into the camera in anger on YouTube is interesting or effective? Just wondering.
“Notice there’s a point at the top for ease of entry … it’s just the right shape for the human mouth…”
I think this proves God wants men to get lots of head.
if God intended bananas to be opened at the stem end like a pull-tab as the fundie suggests, why do monkeys open them at the other end? and why is that way easier?
Rich, I was going to post the exact same thing.
Maybe its because monkeys don’t exist…er…umm…AHA! Its proof we aren’t descended from monkeys…’cause…um…we open them the way He intended, and we have for 5,000 years, since we ate bananas after a long day of hunting dinosaurs.
Mmmm…brontosauraus burgers.
Wait, what?
finally PROOF of creation no athiest could ever cut that demo apart lol
also since god is on our side i was wondering if that is a North American or Israeli banana
Then what explains a Pinapple, a prickly pear fruit, or a pomegranite
After this taping was complete, the gentleman on the left took a bite of the banana, choked, and died because the intelligent designer created a combined entry point for fuel and air.