Palin has spent little time in Juneau, rarely coming to the state capital except when the Legislature was in session, and sometimes not even then.
During a recent special session called by Palin herself, she faced criticism from several legislators for not showing up personally to push for her agenda.
Someone at the Capitol even printed up buttons asking “Where’s Sarah?”
Rep. Andrea Doll, D-Juneau, called it a telling question.
“At a time when her leadership was truly needed, we didn’t know where she was,” Doll said.
More on Sarah Palin’s great scam of the state of Alaska, charging the state of Alaska for “travel” expenses while staying at home, all while making a big show of “saving taxpayer money” by getting rid of her private chef (all mooseshit, of course).
From the Anchorage Daily News, 7/29/2007, via Lexis/Nexis:
“Holding a special session in Anchorage last month cost the state at
least $103,500, according to the head of the Legislative Affairs Agency.
Criticized for adjourning the regular session without renewing a
program that gave cash payments to low-income seniors, legislators
called the one-day meeting on June 26 […]
Legislators earned a per diem of $278 each. The money is meant to be
used on meals and hotels, she said, and is a little more than
legislators would get in Juneau.
Holding the session in Anchorage costs about $2,000 more per day for
per diems, which are based on rates set by the federal government,
she said.
The overall price tag struck Gov. Sarah Palin as too high.
“That makes absolutely no sense, that a seven-hour meeting costs our
Legislature over $100,000,” Palin said. “What the heck were they
charging the state for then?”
Yeah! What /were/ they charging the state for? Were they living at home, yet squeezing travel expenses out of it? Were they bringing the whole family down to Anchorage on the government’s dime? Were they staying in $707 per night hotels?
It’s important those questions get answered, otherwise, this episode will start to look suspiciously like … hypocrisy. I know, I know, this is all hard to believe given that she eats mooseburgers and chose life, but there it is.
This episode may just have bought Sarah Palin another two weeks of isolation from the media.
You’ll have excuse me, but I’ve seen this play and I didn’t like it the first time. That, my friends, is not change we can believe in and it’s not rocking the system.
She didn’t show up often, got paid extra for not showing up, and then criticized others for getting per diem. That’s testicular virility, my friends.