Efficient Lightbulbs are a Threat To Democracy, But Paying Your Bills is Optional

That’s the story of this summer.  Insane idiots have taken over the US House and think that efficient light bulbs are a problem worthy of a fight, but the debt ceiling is no big deal.

John Cole has a good take at Balloon Juice that by citing, I can calm my blood pressure and not rant long run on sentences:


I know this is coming as a surprise to many in the beltway, but as we have noted before, the current GOP is filled with fanatics and imbeciles. They don’t have another plan after Cut, Cap, and Balance because they simply don’t think default will be a problem. They honestly are dumb enough to think that defaulting means cutting future spending. They simply do not understand that lifting the debt limit merely allows us to pay for what we have already spent. Those that aren’t that dumb are merely cheering it on because they think a Democrat will get the blame and because they think destroying our credit will cut down on “oppressive big government.” They simply do not understand how this will rock the entire nation. They are ignorant of how much of our financial system is tied to the treasury. They are indifferent about how this will impact every single person in the United States.

Again, we are dealing with fanatics. This is not news. These are people who think all sorts of crazy things- there is no climate change, a stem cell is a baby, the earth is only 6,000 years old, etc.

Can someone get Joe Walsh to discuss the advantages of having the world’s reserve currency.  I have no doubt it would be terribly amusing.

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