Durbin for Minority Leader

Yes, please. He’s exactly what the doctor ordered and Bush can threaten him all he wants. Dick Durbin will be the Senator from Illinois as long as he wants to be.

4 thoughts on “Durbin for Minority Leader”
  1. In the last year, Durbin has gotten himself a pretty good sized pair and I think that he would do a great job as Leader. The Dems need a leader from a solid Blue state so that they don’t run into problems like they had with Daschel having to compromise to the right to defend himself.

    With the IL-GOP in complete turmoil, Durbin would not feel compelled to run right to get re-elected.

    In addition, he would have a damn fine communicator joining him from the Land of Lincoln to help advocate the Blue position.

    We could really use Durbin as Leader.

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