By the standards of International Cycling, Barry Bonds wouldn’t be playing.
The scandal is massive. Bonnie DeSimone who used to write for the Trib, is covering the Tour for the Boston Globe again and gives the full story here.
I’ve never thought I was naive about doping in cycling. While I see no evidence Lance used performancing enhancing drugs after cancer, I’ve always said I wouldn’t be surpised if he did before cancer. Some recent stories suggest this may be the case, especially since Frankie Andreu corroborated his wife’s position–and Frankie can only get hurt by saying so.
The Inspector Javitz like French pursuit of him always seemed strange to me given since cancer he has been the most tested athlete on the planet and it’s now been disclosed, he was paying for the anti-doping program.
Instead of attacking Lance (and notice so far, no current members of Discovery are listed) the French press should have been going after the other teams.