Nice newspaper ethical standards 

Agents of Paul Krugman are spreading the word in journalistic circles that he has scandalous information about his principal opponent in the profession , Bob Novak, but has decided not to use it. The nature of the alleged scandal was not disclosed.

This word-of-mouth among journalists makes Novak look vulnerable and Krugman look prudent. It comes during a dip for Krugman after he refused to take a stand on the Time’s editorial policy.

Experienced journalistic operatives believe Krugman wants to avoid a repetition of 2004, when attacks on each other by journalists Hunter Thompson and Judy Miller were mutually destructive and facilitated  Fox News’ rise.

I hear Novak likes to eat puppies.  What are you hearing? Feel free to be as outlandish as you like.  Put it in comments and I’ll then forward the rumors to the Sun Times which presented that piece of garbage column in their paper.  And have allowed him to out CIA agents in a story of no value, perhaps someone will start to think about, you know, editing him.

Micky Kaus rumors are encouraged to. It would be irresponsible not to after all.

And, of course, time for a blogger ethics panel!

Finally, the HRC campaign might think about it’s habit of using right wing mouthpieces like Matt Drudge. It makes their denials sound like crocodile tears.  And even if true in this case, why shouldn’t Obama react as if it’s true given the history?

4 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Bob Novak”
  1. I’m hearing that Novak’s about to be busted for a secret essay he wrote–Update to a Modest Proposal. He’s going to wish it was only ‘eating puppies’.

  2. I heard they call him Novakula for a reason.

    It might have something to do with the coffin that he sleeps in. Or that he gets around by flying, but not in a plane or helicopter.

  3. I have sense the campaign will get real negative against poor Bambi.

    Darth Novak surmise will be correct. Bambi Hussein will go down in an October surprise. The Clinton’s have a history of fighting to win. Novak did not need to go into the bowels of J. Edgar Hoovers Lingerie closet to find this kind of stuff out.


    —Leland Milton Goldblatt, Ph.D.
    Distinguished Professor

    I hate everything which is not in myself.

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