Via The Truth About Keyes
“When voters listen to Alan Keyes, they get the perception, wow, this guy is stone-cold nuts. And they run home to hide their children. We Republicans are the free market party, so let’s look to Keyes’ prior history in elections and trust the market.”
If that’s what Republicans think about you, what are the Democrats going to say, Mr. Ambassador?
KEYES: I’ve got to confess that quoting some pro-abortion Republican who is engaging in a fit of name-calling hardly constitutes a question worthy of respect. I think it’s disgraceful that in the media these days, some people, not all, because I’ve been counting some pretty good people here in Illinois, but some people seem to think that casting a name-calling session in front of somebody constitutes asking a question. So I would simply say, where is the question in that? I’ll be glad to answer it when you ask one.
Small problem, Murphy is pro-life. In the death of irony category, Truthgirl points out his most recent nickname for Obama, Blustering braggard.
Begala takes him to task on the Providence line:
KEYES: What I was pointing out is an objective fact and I know that folks like to run away from them. That at the heart of terrorism lies this principle of evil, a disregard for the claims of innocent human life. At the heart of…
BEGALA: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) sending us a message on September 11.
KEYES: At the heart of abortion lies this principle, a disregard for the claims of innocent human life. If we go into a war against folks who are violating that principle, and stumble across the truth that we ourselves are violating it, consider the moral confusion, the demoralization that that represents in terms of our commitment…
BEGALA: So Providence was trying to tell us something?
KEYES: …to what is necessary in order to safeguard our security. I think I am justified in pointing out that if we don’t address the moral evil that’s at the heart of abortion really…
BEGALA: Instruments of God’s will. They were God’s messengers, were they?
Yes and no answers from Dear Alan are difficult, but I’ll take that as a yes.
Begala’s pro-life too, if I’m not mistaken.
I hesitate to open up this whole new can of worms, but Keyes supports the death penalty, so he is actually “anti-choice” not “pro-life.”
Sorry about all the worms.
I do love when a pol wears his (and it is almost always a man) Catholicism on his sleeve as a moral, rather than a cultural distinction, and uses that position to justify an anti-choice position, but not an anti-capital punishment.
And there is a moral vs cultural distinction. Kerry wears his Catholicism as a cultural distinction. Makes him seem more everyman -more of a blue collah sawks fan, less of a Brahmin. Doesn’t necessarily make it better – just different.
Kevin Murphy’s assessment of Keyes is near identical to Mike Murphy’s (and my position on abortion is near indistinguishable from Keyes’).
The more he talks, the less I care for him.