Cornfield Commentary is back

David Hogberg of Cornfield Commentary is back. I hope he got some writing done. When I next do a site update he’ll be back up in the daily reads. We have different views, but David is almost always has something smart to say.

Also, say hello to The Missouri Kid who has made an appearance in comments and is already annoyed at Steve Stoll. He’ll be added soon as well.

Soon is a relative term given my schedule.

John Cole will be in the next batch as well. He is excitable today. Take a look.

Its affirmative action day for conservatives. Whadda you want?

Also, in the interest of promoting writers who get their stories killed take a look at Nathan Bierma’s story on a wife’s plot to murder her husband.

William Burton is back as well and has a lot on Bill Clinton’s penise. Believe or not he is not a Republican. Mention Dutch Sheets to him.

While dog jokes are certainly old to Scoobie Davis he has sunk his teeth into a big bone(head)–Micheal Savage.

I’m sure Micheal Finley has some good stuff up, but it is too small to read.

The Pontificator points to Krugman’s bemused response to some critics

Weblog Central links to St. Louis Bloggers

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