Calpundit points out a particularly inane article at NRO by Kathryn Jean Lopez. The first clue to a satirical piece is that it starts out as "A modest proposal….". So much for the classical education many at NRO profess to have.
Kevin misses another line that is quite telling:
Serious debate pretty much does not exist when it comes to the all-male policy of Augusta National Golf Club, the home of the Masters Tournament. Augusta head Hootie Johnson’s willingness to announce that he has no intention of budging on that policy has meant a new media tour for Martha Burk, the woman who started the controversy-her one-woman crusade, backed up by a pliable media, to rid Augusta of men.
Serious debate is impossible when one makes the statement that Martha Burk is trying to ‘rid Augusta of men.’. Augusta is nominally a private club and as such has a right to exclude women. But what kind of twits belong to such a club? Ones named Hootie, I guess.
Even better was this was brought up on Crossfire last night (watching it is not something I endorse, but it was on). Debbie Schlussel was on and tried to argue the same thing. Tucker started ignoring her. Why he ignored her is unclear. Between her habit of breathing through her mouth on TV and her sheer stupidity she is grating. " BURK: … what a spoof is? S-P-O-O-F — spoof. Spoof — come on, come on."