Benevolent dictator charges bring laughs:
Burke (14th) waited for a resolution honoring Ald. Burton Natarus’ 31 years in the council. Coincidentally, Natarus (42nd) had already planned to give his colleagues Natarus bobblehead dolls, a tribute dreamed up by a public relations company."This could be a new economy move for the Chicago City Council," smirked Burke, holding up his Natarus doll. "All we need to do is get these bubble [sic] heads to go up and down, say `yes,’ we can reduce the size of the City Council …"
Burke paused as the aldermen loudly booed. An expert at timing, he waited for Mayor Daley to finish scoffing, "Awwww!" "… from 50 to three!" Burke continued. "We’d only need three aldermen, one for each aisle, to start these things going, nodding up and down!"
Wrought Iron! More Wrought Iron I Said!