From the AP, August 1, 2000 in an article on Keyes and the Maryland GOP
Keyes’ unwillingness to compromise cost him his 1992 campaign against incumbent Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Terhes said. His first and major blunder was his insistence on taking an $8,000 a month salary from his campaign funds, she said.
Terhes tried in vain to dissuade Keys, but said he wanted to do things his way. “We pleaded, begged, cajoled and did everything we could and he would not listen,” Terhes said.
To make matters worse, Keyes called the Republican senatorial campaign committee racist because it would not sink money into his campaign.
He also scolded members of his state GOP when they didn’t back his bid for a prime-time speaking slot at the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston.
“He called us racists,” recalls Carol Arscott, a Republican, who works as a political consultant in Annapolis. If Keyes gets no respect, she said there’s a reason why: “Because he gives zero respect.”
About a week ago, I wondered how this trainwreck could possibly be made worse. I now have about a million different ways and they are all revolving around Alan Keyes.
Does anyone at the GOP have Google or Lexis?
Note to GOP leaders in IL…
Please, please, please put Keyes on the ballot! I can’t wait to watch the Daily Show now.
This was ram-rodded in by some of the conservative members of the SSC.
I guess they have the keys to car until November. When we have no Senate Seat pick ups, loose the Supreme Court Seat, and have Democrats on the DuPage County Board, I think that they will probably say that it was the ‘moderate’s fault’ because they ‘didn’t support Keyes’.
Well, guess what? It’s the fault of the nutjobs who nominated Keyes.
I’m looking at you Syverson, Murphy, Wiggins, Meyer, et al….
You should be the ones that take the fall this November. (and Pascoe, too!)