BUT LOOP FANS CAN HELP! Yes, it’s the first Loop Carpetbagger Deflection contest.
Keyes needs a sound-bite explanation for his gracious assent to move to the Land of Lincoln. Something like: “I’ve always been a Cubs fan; I decided to come clean now because I could no longer pretend to like the O’s.” Or: “Lake Michigan has no jellyfish.” Or, you can go negative: “Why, we’re practically neighbors. That joker was raised in Hawaii. You know how far Honolulu is from Chicago?” (About 6,400 miles.)
This is a two-day contest. So it’s e-mail only. Entries — to intheloop@washpost.com — must be in by 10 a.m. Friday. And you must put home, work and/or cell phone numbers on your entry. As usual, Hill and administration folks can enter on “background” or even “deep background.”
The 10 best entries will receive one of our highly coveted In the Loop T-shirts and, who knows, maybe even an invite to Keyes’s swearing-in.