You have got to be kidding me?

President Bush’s uncle will be heading his re-election effort in Missouri. State Republicans announced today that Bucky Bush of St. Louis will serve as campaign chairman for the Bush-Cheney re-election effort in the Show-Me State.

2 thoughts on “Bucky Bush?”
  1. Bucky B. is also a major defence supplyer. everything from MRE’s to toilet paper and everything inbetween. He is making a kings ransom and we are paying for it all. Gawd, let us as a nation live through the Bush years, please.

  2. I have to agree with Michael Moore, (Hey Dude, Where’s my Country) and Alex Jones, that Bush’s membership in the Skull and Bones, (where initiating rights include having to roll in manure) and his father’s membership as a High Ranking Mason, and a puppet Illuminati, as well as the entire Bush Clan, including Neil, and Marvin and Noelle, have and continue to ruin this country. They care nothing about the “average” citizen, and are truly attempting to turn America into a Prison Planet, just as Alex Jones says! John Ashcroft, the most uncaring (incompassionate) man (next to George W. and H.B. Walker, and Dick Cheney), should all be sent to Huntsville Prison for at least a two week Holiday with “all the trimmings” including, a sampling of the famous “Death Row” chair.

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