Uberweis. He can actually speak, and well, he should after all the campaigns he’s lost. The one bit that was bizarre was when he called for Kjellander to step down and tried to make it a personal plea by half turning around to Kjellander. The only problem was Kjellander was the other way and Uberweis couldn’t even get away from the script long enough to do more than fling his arm behind him and look like he was about to get whacked.
And Curry, get Birkett to smile on stage sometime. He just comes off as dour. If he has that great sense of humor, get him to show it before the campaign is over.
Birkett and Rauschenberger gave generally good speeches, though there’s something about the beard and Steve’s voice that is incongruous–you expect a deep baritone and you get a slightly nasal Chicago accent out of him.
Brady–I now remember why I couldnt’ stand him when he first ran for state rep. Sanctimonious twit.
Judy was decent and gave actually one of the better fair type speeches.
Roskam’s speech–I hated it, but it’s exactly what he should be giving. It’s the type of speech that passes for what is a sermon at many churches today and it works fairly well with general audiences. I just hate it–it’s a personal thing. He also said “I submit to you” too many times, but overall that kind of speech and demeanor is the kind of thing he needs to do to reduce the effectiveness of those who’ll be calling him a right wing zealot during the campaign. His demeanor is very moderate even if his politics aren’t.
I saw some of the speeches on the IL Channel the other night. I don’t know how anyone could listen to all of them without chemical assistance.
Hollywood Roskam’s in his own little fantasy world. The sun’s fried part of his brain. Maybe a visit to Hans Weimann if he ever invades the Metro East. I can’t wait until he loses the 2006 Election.
Shimkus was the nauseating good little soldier everyone expects. Always on GOP message. Never any original material. The effeminate mannerisms & slight lisp actually overpowered his class ring for a change.
Gidwitz needs to practice a little grace & quietly disappear off the face of the Earth.
LaHood’s always good for insomnia. Maybe if he’d leave congress he could concentrate on getting a personality.
The only interesting part of the speeches was the booth. It was set up better than the Democrat booth. The Republicans couldn’t have wrapped themselves in the flag any more if they tried.
Is Roskam trying to be a Bill Hybels wanna-be? I like Roskam, and his speech, but his delivery makes me think I’m at Willow Creek. Ick!
Anon 8/28/05 said, “Is Roskam trying to be a Bill Hybels wanna-be? I like Roskam, and his speech, but his delivery makes me think I’m at Willow Creek. Ick!”
That’s because Roskam’s a poseur and he knows it. He’s got the moderate suit on but it doesn’t fit right and it makes his conservative skin crawl. He oughtta just be true to himself and stop running as a poseur. Even though she didn’t stand a chance against the radical right’s machine Pankau let him off too easy.
The Hybels comparison is exactly what I was looking for when I wrote that–thanks for putting it up. It’s exactly the kind of sermon I’d expect from Hybels (and yes, I’ve sat through a few).
Thank you for these are some of the the most amusing speeches i’ve read so far.