Anyone got Burris in a cowboy hat?
You really do have to wonder what planet Roland Burris is living on right now.
In an appearance just now on MSNBC, Burris was asked about the possibility of the Senate refusing to seat him. “Well, I think you will see a major outcry from the people of Illinois,” Burris said, “based on the fact that the governor has appointed me.”
You read that correctly: Burris says the people will have a major outcry to a Blagojevich-appointed Senator not being seated.
Burris also said he would legally challenge any decision by the Senate not to seat him. He probably has a better shot there.
If by major you mean Bobby Rush, Roland Burris and hecklers at a press conference, yes. Otherwise, no.
I think the outcry is there but not necessarily in the way Burris thinks.
Priceless — a photo of Burris side-by-side with our favorite Keyes cowboy hat photo!
What’s frustrating to me is that much of the national coverage implies that since Bobby Rush played the race card that a good portion of Democrats in Illinois are hesitant to block or criticize the pick. Not only are they ignoring how divided Illinois Dems are, including African-American Illinois Dems, but this is perhaps the one point on which they are all united. Other than Bobby Rush, I don’t think a single Dem has expressed any hesitation in opposing the pick and every black pol I’ve seen has ridiculed the idea that we should leave Burris alone since he’s black.