One of the reasons John McCain was so loved in 2000 was his willingness to fly in the face of his party and say what they didn’t want to hear.
McCain is a shadow of his former self these days having resigned himself to court the insiders in order to win the nomination for 2008.
Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska now fills that role:
The war in Iraq is the defining issue on which this Congress and the administration will be judged. The American people want to see serious debate about serious issues from serious leaders. They deserve more than a political debate. This debate should transcend cynical attempts to turn public frustration with the war in Iraq into an electoral advantage. It should be taken more seriously than to simply retreat into focus-group tested buzz words and phrases like ?cut and run,? catchy political slogans that debase the seriousness of war. War?s not a partisan issue, Mr. President. It should not be held hostage to political agendas. War should not be drug down into the political muck. America deserves better. Our men and women fighting and dying deserve better.
Hat Tip to Think Progress.