I actually don’t think Dobbs is racist–his taken on trade seems to be authentically about the impact on the American Middle Class even if I disagree on both issues. However, there is no excuse that CNN ran a graphic sourced to the Council of Conservative Citizens. The Council is a bunch of knuckledragger racists who are polluting the gene pool with low IQ.
For those who might not remember, I had a run in with a local CofCC assclown a couple years ago who took issue with being called a White Supremacist by sending me this
Earl “I’m not a white supremacist N***** Lover” Holt used to do a radio show with the operational head of the CofCC every Friday night here in Saint Louis. It wasn’t thinly veiled racism on the show either. When I got Earl to confirm he sent the e-mail on the air, he said he called a Spade a Spade. Scheer has the full updates on CNN’s reaction, but they really need to take it more seriously and apologize.