Embarrassing Admission of the Day

I cried at Oprah the other day. Probably the first time I’ve watched in 10 years.

Maureen Ryan reviews the episodes and I wholeheartedly agree.

6 thoughts on “Embarrassing Admission of the Day”
  1. This may seem trite by most comparisons, but I was nearly moved to tears watching a snippet that was likely from that same Oprah show.

    A guy was told he could not get on a rescue bus without his dog. The poor guy was beside himself, and his neighbor was doing the talking. Seems the guy and his dog had swum over to help the neighbor.

    Oprah’s people (I think) took the guy’s dog for him and they were reunited in Baton Rouge the next day.

    Seems a small thing — but given the same situation, I wouldn’t give up my dog either.

    And if anyone’s interested in helping displaced animals (and lives in Chicago), Bark Chicago, the doggie day care where we take our dog (OK, he’s spoiled) is sending a truck to the LSU Vet school, where they’ve set up a temporary shelter. Food, toys, blankets, towels, bleach, etc. are needed.

    It’s located on Western, about a block north of Fullerton on the west side of the street. They’re accepting until Friday, September 16.

  2. We’re not related but we are dating.

    In all fairness I did see the dog clip on Crooks & Liars (NOT ON OPRAH) and when the guy hugs the reporter it’s a pretty heartwarming scene. Oprah should give that dog a car.

  3. Yeah Matthew McConneighy -alright, alright, alright- had me all choked up. Give me a break.

    She sets these people up and gets the cameras just right and then exploits the shit out of them.

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