Rich Miller has several small bits up over at the Capitol Fax site.
First is more on the license for the 10th Casiono. Apparently the Gaming Board doesn’t want to talk publicly about it. There are other ways to be forced to talk publicly and none of them are pleasant so they might factor that into their consideration.
He also analyzes G-Rod’s brilliant move on gun rights which appears to be make a big fuss until you figure out what the hell you are doing and in the process hanging out your fellow party members to dry. If you are going to try and work out a deal, the time for that deal was when the legislation was in committee. Instead, the Governor got a couple cheap headlines.
Speaking of demagoguing the State Board of education appears ready to give G-Rod more material as the Auditor General reams them over poor financial oversight.
And finally, in the we don’t even know if there is a problem, but we are so used to panicking so let’s talk about who could replace Jack! sweepstakes, Edgar is reportedly open to replacing Jack! if necessary. The reports are that in initially considering the race Edgar didn’t get the support he was promised. It is hard to believe that support would be any better this time around.
Edgard would put up a tough fight, but one has to wonder what the impact of a very mobilized right wing would have on his candidacy.
Also, an interesting article on Patricia Baileys’ residency problems from Sunday.
I know that nobody likes Blaggy, including myself, but you have to admire his political astuteness. The way he does this is obviously calculated, but he triangulates very well.
Good points, it just gets old–and if you burn enough allies…