Vader encourages the circular firing

Vader encourages the circular firing squad with this tidbit:

Privatized Social Security?

The party leadership’s advice to Republican House candidates to avoid the issue of Social Security privatization has angered conservative theoreticians who fear a long delay in changing the system.

Rep. Tom Davis, the House Republican campaign chairman, has called on the party’s candidates to stay away from the issue, and especially the word ”privatize.” Steven Moore, chairman of the supply-side Club for Growth, said in a memo to Davis, ”Republicans must run ON the issue of creating Social Security private investment account options, not AWAY from it.”

A footnote: The latest Republican candidate to avoid the issue is Elizabeth Dole, who forced the withdrawal of a Democratic ad putting her on record for private accounts. Dole enjoys a big lead over former Clinton chief of staff Erskine Bowles for the open Senate seat in North Carolina.

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