Oh, that would be fun wouldn’t it? Hell, George Ryan could have sold indulgences instead of drivers licences.

But where does this come from? Alan Keyes who thinks states ought to be able to establish religions:

Americans should demand that they be granted “what the tyranny of the courts has sought to wrest from us — the freedom to live in communities that are governed by laws that reflect our beliefs,” Keyes said, adding that what a state does regarding religion is “none of the federal government’s business.”

When the First Amendment was passed, he noted, “there were a majority of states in the United States … where there were religious tests” and there were “established churches.”

If religious tests and established churches were unconstitutional, Keyes said, then they would have been abolished prior to the First Amendment’s passage. Such a state-sanctioned church would be sanctioned not by the federal government but instead by an individual state, he said.

Of course, what Alan misses is the minor addition of the 14 amendment that actually applied the First Amendment to the states, but, you know, details, schmetails.

Even better, he was at a rally to defend Judge Roy Moore.

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