“…the government in their case proved my innocence.”

0 thoughts on ““…the government in their case proved my innocence.””
  1. Rod promised and promised,
    “Just wait for the trial,
    I’ll tell all the facts,
    It will take quite a while.”

    But now that the government’s
    Case has concluded.
    Rod’s lies have without a doubt
    Proved, he’s deluded!

  2. Weeks ago this scenario was predicted by many. At no time during Blago’s career has he ever done what he said he would. As the evidence piled up it was clear that if he chose not to testify it would be because, “the government failed to make a case.” But make a case they did.

    I think that there may have been a small chance Blago would testify. But once Robert was destroyed on cross-examination Blago knew he could not take the stand.

    Also keep in mind Patti could not testify. She has not been charged with any crimes. Had she taken the stand she would have subjected herself to the strong possibility that she would have incriminated herself in some fashion.

    Next week it will all be over put the sentencing. Is it too late for the Obama administration to require federal inmates to have close-cropped hair?

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