What could go wrong with this strategy…

In conjunction with coverage of Tea Party events from around the country, PJTV has established a tip-line for event attendees to report on attempts by Tea Party Crashers to disrupt the events.
Please, let your readers know about the tip-line and encourage them to report the crashers.
Reports can be sent to tpcrashers@pjtv.com and will be reported by PJTV commentators. To receive the most updated information on Tea Party crashers, click here.

Please link to our coverage to bring your readers the most up to the minute action on Tax Day 2010!

I can’t wait for the purity tests to determine

who is a real tea partier

and who is not.

Tea Party Crashers

With recent polls suggesting that around 40 percent of Americans are supportive of the Tea Party Movement, some are seeing this rise in popularity as a threat. In the early stages politicians (Pelosi’s “angry mob” comments,etc) – and the MSM were simply denigrating and ridiculing the movement. Now that the movement is gaining steam and the threat is larger, there is an evolution to a more direct stage of attack from so-called “Tea Party Crashers.” These individuals – some organized, some freelance – attempt to infiltrate Tea Party demonstrations in an anonymous manner. They seek to discredit the Tea Party Movement, and all it stands for, by exaggerating inaccurate stereotypes, thus generating bad publicity in the media. The crashers methods include:

  1. Deliberately misspelling words in signs
  2. Using racist slurs in signs or verbally
  3. Using homophobic slurs in signs or verbally
  4. Using exaggerated imagery, such as showing Obama as Hitler
  5. Generally behaving in a hostile and disreputable manner that reflects poorly on the demonstration

PJTV and Pajamas Media encourage you to report Tea Party Crashers as quickly as possible to tpcrashers@pjtv.com. These reports can be in photo, video or text forms.

Keep up to date at www.pjtv.com/tpcrashers.


So pretty much the crashers are indistinguishable from the actual tea party participants….

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