Club For Growth Isn’t Happy With Little Mark

I’m betting they wish they had found someone to offer a real primary challenge.


Now the Club for Growth, the powerful, well-funded conservative group, is putting Kirk on notice, and making it clear that they expect him to live up to his promise.

“He said that he’s going to do this,” Club for Growth spokesman Mike Connolly just said by phone. “We expect him to live up to his pledge.”

Kirk has signed on to the Club’s repeal pledge, which states: “I hereby pledge to the people of my state to sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government.”

“He’s made a promise to the people of Illinois,” Connolly continued. Asked if failing to follow through could cost Kirk the Club’s support in a general election, Connolly said: “We’ll have to see.”


Poor Mark Kirk, he must feel like a ping pong ball jumping around issues like this.

Why does the Club for Growth make Bruce Dold sad?

0 thoughts on “Club For Growth Isn’t Happy With Little Mark”
  1. This guy is turning out to be the Mitt Romney of Illinois.

    As voters learn what health care reform really means and they warm to it, expect to see Kirk backpedal faster than a Lance Armstrong video run in reverse.

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