Daily Dolt: Delmarie Cobb

Delusional doltishness:


On the Democratic side, Burris, who was appointed by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich to the Senate, no longer has to worry about Madigan. But looming as a strong challenger is first-term Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias. Other Democrats weighing a Senate bid include Cheryle Jackson, head of the Chicago Urban League and a former Blagojevich spokeswoman; and Chris Kennedy, son of the late Robert F. Kennedy, who manages the Merchandise Mart.
Burris campaign aide Delmarie Cobb said Madigan’s decision, along with money are part of “a long line of factors” determining if Burris would seek election.

“As you know, there have been many marquee names thrown out for this seat and so far they have all fizzled,” Cobb said. “With [Burris] as the incumbent, it seems the Democratic Party would do well to rally around the person who has the seat and keep the seat rather than mine for a candidate.”



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