Two Votes for Political Independence

Dan Kotowski and Daniel Biss

One of the fundamental problems with the Illinois political system is the concentration of political money and then power through the four legislative leaders.  When leaders become to rigid, there is simply little power for the average legislator to rebel if they want to keep their seat.  Defecting from leadership means leadership can pull your money for reelection.

And that’s where Kotowski and Biss come in.  Kotowski is State Senator from the 33rd District in the Northwest burbsaround Arlington Heights and Park Ridge.  He works harder than anyone I’ve seen in Springfield and that extends beyond just being a State Senator. He works hard at raising his own money so that when he needs to buck leadership, he isn’t as beholden as other Senators.  Dan has taken two strong positions by endorsing Dick Devine in 2006 for Governor and fighting the pay raises in the Senate.  If he were solely dependent upon Emil for money, that would have been hard to do.  Oh, and he’s been fighting for better assessments in Cook County directly annoying Todd Stroger.

Daniel Biss is the guy running for Beth Coulson’s seat in the House–17th District around Evanston, Glenview, Morton Grove and Northbrook.  Biss has no support from the Speaker and thus, if successful, would be one of the few truly independent members of the House. He raised all of his own funds and did it from small donors.  He’ll have the independence to do what is right and is a truly progressive voice–there’s nothing more to ask for.

For Democrats who want strong independent voices in Illinois, these two can show the way.  Help them anyway you can.

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