November 2012

Social Media 101

Before deciding to use a #hashtag as a part of your effort–search it first.  For example #thanksinadvance



Don’t take your life over anything I say and don’t take anybody else’s neither. #thanksINadvance

Dear God, help me be a better person, better father, a better friend, a better lover, a better son. Help me be a better me. #ThanksInAdvance

@DBELL_: Lets go #Bulls 61% from the field”so let me know the final score #thanksinadvance ????????

Y’all record the talent show I’m at work.. #thanksinadvance

Plz tell him lose my # it’s been over a yr & 1/2 now and he still blows my phone up .Im tired of blocking all those numbers #thanksinadvance

Someone bring me food. Any kind of food. Mexican food. Zaxbys food. Whatever kind of food. #tweetedlocation #thanksinadvance

When ur speaking all I ask is that u TALK UP !!cause I can’t hear u … #ThanksInAdvance ????

Text the address #ThanksInAdvance RT @Mz_P0puLaR: Should make a big Sunday Dinner tonight

If someone could kindly go and remove the sand from formby beach before tomorrow morning i would be very greatful. #thanksinadvance


Squeezy the Pension Python

Sweet Jesus this is awful. 




This is from Quinn’s communication’s shop with Mica Matsoff listed as the registrant.  If there was ever any question as to the need for a primary challenge to Quinn, this should put an end to that. Not only is is just awful to the point of who the hell would do this and not be employed by The Onion- it’s deceptive about the fundamental problem–that the state has not met its obligations to its workers. 


Squeezy the fucking Pension Python?