And Roland Burris Won’t Be Seated

You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t think that Mike Madigan and Pat Quinn are the guys to go to regarding Scott Lee Cohen:



He’s basically repeating his talking points now, so I’m not live-blogging them. He said he didn’t see Mark Brown’s column last March about Cohen.

Quinn says there is a provision that allows the General Assembly to pass a law that allows the governor to pick a running mate. So, there’s the pressure point on Cohen? But could Cohen challenge that law’s constitutionality because he’s already won an election? Could be a long haul.


From January 2009:

With Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White refusing to sign papers authorizing Blagojevich’s appointment of Roland Burris, and Senate Democratic leaders refusing to seat anyone appointed by Blagojevich, House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown maintained that the appointment is moot.

Asked why Democratic leaders didn’t foresee Blagojevich naming a senator, Brown essentially said there is no appointment. “It hasn’t happened. That’s only happened in some dark corner of the governor’s mind. It hasn’t been certified, so that makes it null. There was nothing to anticipate.”

How did that work out for ya?

He Didn’t Touch Her

Scott Lee Cohen is claiming that his arrest for domestic violence in 2005 was all  a misunderstanding and he didn’t lay a hand on his girlfriend at the time (who also happened to be a prostitute).


But the official police and court records show that the woman alleged Cohen put a knife to her throat and pushed her head against the wall.

In their October 14 arrest report detailing the complaint from the 24-year-old woman, Chicago police noted they observed “mild abrasions from knife wound” on her neck. They also noted “minor scars on her hand from her trying to defend herself against the arrestee swinging the knife at her.” The report notes the woman was seen by ambulance personnel but not taken to a hospital.

The case was dropped a month later when the woman did not show up for a court date.

Also, public records show that the alleged victim, Scott’s 24-year-old girlfriend at the time, was a prostitute. Six months before the October 2005 incident, she had been arrested after a police investigation of a Glenview massage parlor. She later pleaded guilty to a charge of prostitution.

Through a spokesman Cohen said he did not know at the time that the woman was a prostitute and that she had told him she worked as a “massage therapist.”


It appears that he technically is correct. He may not have put a hand on her, just a knife.


Boy, that Rickey Hendon sure showed Art Turner didn’t he?

Stop Worrying About Concessions

I don’t know why people feel the need to force everyone to concede as soon as possible–especially this early in the cycle.  While it’s true that the electronic voting systems don’t have as many undervotes, they also have to be processed correctly.  Any candidate should take the time to make sure everything came through correctly and we can all relax and wait for the process to conclude.

How About The Trib Stop Lecturing Others about Finances

Broadway Bank is a legit issue and certainly it is worthy of news, but the Chicago Tribune Editorial board might want to look at their own company a bit more before continuing their incessant whining about the fiscal condition of the State of Illinois.


Leveraged to the hilt, delivering mediocre services, and in needs of living within it’s means.  Yes, absolutely the Chicago Tribune is in no place to lecture anyone on how politicians need to learn to run government like a business.  It appears that Rod Blagojevich ran the State of Illinois an awful like a business–The Chicago Tribune to be specific.

Government necessarily deals with the things the market cannot provide efficiently. That’s why we have a government.  The absolute pass Kirk and the entire Republican Gubernatorial field got this primary season should be an embarrassment to the once proud paper of record now reduced to a parody of itself on its editorial page.  Kirk sat around and backed every effort by the Bush administration to avoid accountability for banks.  Every damn effort.  He backed Bush’s budgets and tax cuts that were highly irresponsible. The Republican Gubernatorial field largely acted like efficiency fixes could solve the problem for the State of Illinois and we need to trim the ‘fat’ regardless that the State of Illinois has a relatively small payroll for a state with its population.  But the Tribune lectures how they are frugal and business like in their dealings.


All of which is true, just like Sam Zell the Illinois Republicans have no plan and figure that actual solutions can be thought of when they are in power.

Reality is hard for the Tribune editorial board.  If they deal with it they might notice the house of cards they are on top of….