September 2010

And Charlie Pierce nails it

In Esquire


Matthews further maintained that it might be dangerous for Democrats to treat O’Donnell with the scorn and derision her campaign so richly deserves because he remembered that they did that to Ronald Reagan, too, and look how that turned out.

Well, that’s bullshit, and Chris Matthews knows it. By the time Reagan won in 1980, he was a giant figure in the Republican Party, and an even bigger one in the conservative movement that had risen to energize it after the Goldwater debacle in 1964. He had delivered thousands of speeches, all over the country, to anyone who’d stand in one place for five minutes and listen, the kind of party-building woodshedding that hardly any candidate does any more. In 1976, he’d run a close campaign against Gerald Ford, an unelected incumbent president, but an incumbent nonetheless. For all his carefully stage-managed anti-politics, Reagan paid more real political dues than any candidate of in the past 60 years — including, God knows, both John and Robert Kennedy.

And Christine O’Donnell is a sideshow freak.

Seriously now, she was a crackpot when she rose on primary morning, and she’s a crackpot now, and she will be a crackpot whether she wins or loses in November. She no more belongs in the Senate of the United States today than she did the day she was born. That 30,000-odd primates in Delaware thinks she belongs there is their problem. If enough people in Delaware come to think so, then she becomes our problem.

Read more:

I was howling with laughter at Matthews claiming Hillary supporters would join in with her.  Apparently having a uterus mean you don’t have any conception of ideology.


She’s comedy gold:


Dorm life has evolved into a blending of the sexes, from coed buildings to coed floors, coed bathrooms and now even coed rooms.

“What’s next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?” asked Christine O’Donnell, spokeswoman for the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Wilmington, Del., which publishes a college guide.

All this coedness is outside normal life, said Miss O’Donnell. “Most average American adults don’t use coed bathrooms – if they had the option of a coed bathroom at a public restaurant, they wouldn’t choose it.” Coedness “is like a radical agenda forced on college students,” she said.



Coedness is a radical agenda forced on college students.  Seriously.  Her and Petey have to be friends.

Nothing Like a Young Earth Creationist

Christine O’Donnell is a literal six day creationist:

Whoops. Technically, evolution is a theory in the scientific-nomenclature sense, but it’s so widely accepted by every legitimate scientist in the world that it is considered fact. Not enough evidence? Tests with inconsistent results? It sounds like she’s talking about rumors that Lady Gaga has a penis, not a basic foundation of biology. What’s with all the dubiousness?

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: Now, he said that it’s based on fact. I just want to point out a couple things. First of all, they use carbon dating, as an example, to prove that something was millions of years old. Well, we have the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens and the carbon dating test that they used then would have to then prove that these were hundreds of millions of years younger, when what happened was they had the exact same results on the fossils and canyons that they did the tests on that were supposedly 100 millions of years old. And it’s the kind of inconsistent tests like this that they’re basing their ‘facts’ on.

We Googled this and apparently it refers to some tests run by a guy at the Institute for Creation Research. Definitely the kind of stuff on which you want to pin your refutation of evolution. Well, at least O’Donnell didn’t claim that there is just as much or more evidence for creationism as there is for evolution, right?

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.

Spit take! Ladies and gentlemen of Delaware, your Republican Senate nominee.


Except carbon dating is limited to about 50,000 years at the upper limit though I understand there are some new ways to use it longer.  The dating she is referring to isn’t done by carbon dating, but other radiometric dating.  ICR above, uses bad samples to try and disprove radiometric dating, but they violate geological standards in doing so.  For those really geeky, read the ASA’s paper on radiometric dating.

You should get out the saddles for the dinosaurs men used to ride and read Charlie Pierce’s book that describes people lik e O’Donnell perfectly:

The Best Part of the Masturbation Harangue Video

Is being missed by everyone:



At about 1:25 she talks about pleasing each other and if he already knows how to please himself, “Why am I in the picture?”

First, let’s get some medical facts on the table.  Regular ejaculation is good for a man–it literally clears out the pipes and leads to better sexual health over time.  Second, “Why am I in the picture?”  Really?  Because masturbation is just the same as sex…

There’s a point to which abstinence advocates really need to get a clue and understand they don’t understand sex if they haven’t had it.

The Crazy Continues – Berrios Edition–Update

Democratic Party Chair Berrios calls on BGA’s Shaw to step down

Executive director has worked Cook County property tax system while promoting Claypool

Cook County Democratic Party Chairman Joe Berrios on Wednesday called for the Better Government Association’s Board of Directors to investigate whether its executive director is using the organization to curry political favors and launder campaign money for former Democrat Forrest Claypool.

He also called on BGA Executive Director Andy Shaw to step down until the board completes the investigation. “Andy Shaw preaches about ending corruption and pay-to-play. Yet he has turned the BGA into a propaganda arm for eccentric millionaires – a group of uber-wealthy Chicago property owners who want tax breaks from Forrest Claypool if he is elected,” Berrios said. “At the same time, Mr. Shaw is enriching himself by receiving tax breaks from the current Cook County assessor.”

Berrios, the Democratic nominee for assessor, called on the BGA’s Board of Directors to:

-Release a list of all donors who have contributed over $1,000 since Shaw took the position in June 2009. According to information contained on the Illinois Board of Elections website, many of the large donors to the BGA from whom Shaw has solicited tax-deductible contributions are also large donors to Claypool, who is running as an independent candidate for Cook County Assessor. The BGA is a 501(c)(3), which means it is prohibited from favoring one candidate over another. Recent reports the BGA published in Chicago Magazine suggest it has done otherwise.

-Investigate whether Shaw knowingly and unjustly enriched himself by allowing his business to receive unjustified property tax benefits from current Cook County Assessor James Houlihan, whose hand-picked successor is Claypool.

“The BGA has no trouble talking about attorneys giving checks to my campaign for $1,500, but refuses to talk about rich property owners giving not only to the BGA, but to Mr. Claypool. The BGA has also chosen to ignore almost $500,000 in campaign contributions Mr. Claypool received for a sweetheart no-bid parking contract he made,” said Berrios, referring to a 400-year parking lease arrangement that Claypool struck with Ogden Plaza Garage Co. The parking garage company is owned by a Wall Street media mogul who decided to go into the parking garage business.

“It is one of the clearest cases of corruption out there, but Andy Shaw has refused to touch it because he is also working the system,” Berrios said. Shaw and his wife, Mary, own Windy City Urban Inn, a bed and breakfast featured in several hotel magazines and websites. It is marketed by the Shaws as a “new way to do business.” The operation includes a main house with five guest rooms, and a coach house with three apartments. However, it is divided into two separate pins at the Assessor’s Office, and Shaw knowingly received an improper assessment because he’s using it for commercial purposes, which means that it should be classified at 25 percent rather than the 10 percent at which he’s currently assessed, Berrios said.

This spring, Shaw put the business up for sale for $3 million – more than twice its assessed value, according to published reports. According to information obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, Shaw’s proposed assessed value was $94,251. However, less than six months before putting it on the market, Shaw’s wife, Mary, appealed the assessment. The Shaws’ attorney, Stephanie Park, asked for a reduction to $85,891, documents show. However, Assessor Jim Houlihan went above and beyond that, giving the Shaws a 20 percent reduction. The final assessed value of the property was $75,691, according to documents filed at Houlihan’s office, documents show.

“Mr. Shaw received benefits far beyond than he was entitled. Someone at the Assessor’s office decided to do him a favor,” Berrios said. “He got even more than his lawyer asked for – and that just doesn’t happen. There is the appearance that he got a break in exchange to help Assessor Houlihan’s candidate, Forrest Claypool.”

Berrios noted that Shaw, who preaches transparency, had only his wife on the appeal form, and then accepted the large reduction. The attorney, Park, has contributed to Houlihan’s campaign funds. “Andy Shaw knows how government operates, and he worked the system,” Berrios said.

Berrios also accused Shaw of turning the BGA – a 501(c)3 organization – into a vehicle to fund propaganda campaigns for Claypool. According to information contained on the Illinois Board of Elections website, many of the large donors from whom Shaw has solicited tax-deductible contributions are also large donors to Claypool. “For the sake of transparency, the BGA should release all donors who have contributed over $1,000 since Shaw took the position in June 2009.” Berrios said. BGA donors include J.B. Pritzker, John Canning, and Marge Benton – they alone have contributed almost $50,000 to Claypool. Six BGA board members contributed over $15,000 to Claypool.

The BGA has issued one-sided reports about the Cook County assessor’s race which show that the organization is attempting to persuade voters to elect Claypool, who is the candidate backed by the organization’s major contributors, Berrios said. According to the Internal Revenue Service website, 501(c)(3) organizations are limited or prohibited in engaging in political activities such as voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that favor one candidate over another, or oppose a candidate in some manner.

“As a 501(c)(3) organization, the BGA is required to remain impartial toward candidates. However, they have failed to do so,” Berrios said. “And its non-profit status is questionable at best. I hope the Board of Directors and their contributors take this into consideration before taking their next steps.”


Much of this release is just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, but the interesting part is confusing the property value of Shaw’s business with the value of the business itself.  It might be underassessed–I cannot tell from this, but the problem is that a business has value beyond land value. The distinction between commercial and residential property is an issue, but it’s a stretch to connect that to Claypool other than both Claypool and Shaw dislike Joe Berrios–but that’s a pretty big club.


Other than that, the notion that BGA and Forrest Claypool have similar donors is not exactly surprising nor scandalous.  The other bit about the Ogden Park parking garage misses the entire issue of the lease being part of a deal to give the park more land while trading it for the parking garage company’s ability to run the garage.  One can argue whether it was a good deal or not, but it was all public record.

UPDATE:  And as Tom points out in comments, Forrest wasn’t the head of the Park District at the time–Richard Devine was.  The verbal diarrhea above doesn’t seem to distinguish this and it’s not a small point in and of itself.  Of course, the deal itself is something you can argue about, the Park District did get acres of fairly valuable land.  I can’t speak to whether it was an overall good deal, but it was done to avoid issues with mixing commercial purposes on park land.

So, yeah, Berrios just called two of the cleaneast politicians in Chicago corrupt–Forrest Claypool and Dick Devine.  Good luck with that pal.

Double Down on Crazy

The Northeast GOP doubles down on crazy with Carl Palladino and Christine O’Donnell.  New Hampshire might go a little crazy, but that was a state who elected Bob Smith more than once so crazy has a history there.

Ricky Hendon and Carol Moseley Braun–a woman who couldn’t run a US Senate office competently, want to be Mayor of Chicago.

Roland Burris is a US Senator and wants to not run for a full term, but for 1 / 2 months.

Bill Brady appears to be ready to become Governor of Illinois–a man who fought his Congressional Campaign over whether he or Sam Ewing went to Bible Study more.

What’s a person to ask for in these bizarre times.  There’s only one thing:


Can I Get The Trib Third Page Column?

Because John Kass is just an embarrassment.  It’s as if he’s holed up in his office worried about who is conspiring against him and the community at large.  He’s a famous low talker who always finds the conspiracy regardless of evidence and must be feeling like James DiLeo is taking away his binky by retiring.  Capitol Fax has more on his fantasies about Tom Dart:


* John Kass continues to make stuff up

[Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has] been offered up to voters as a young progressive independent, even though he’s also beholden to the Southwest Side political oligarchs.

The other day, Kass said Dart would run once he received the expected endorsement of Mike Madigan. Dart and Madigan are not allies. Far from it. So now, Kass appears to be recycling this charge without including a name so he can’t be called out as a serial fantasist.

By far, Kass has attempted to destroy more people with unsubstantiated nonsense than anyone else in the Chicago media. Dart’s late father was, indeed, a powerful behind the scenes player in city politics. But Dart himself has done a very good job of proving his independence. His connections have and will definitely help him, no doubt about it, but as I’ve said many times before the South Side Irish are not some monolithic beast, no matter how hard Kass tries to make them so.

Kass learned politics at the feet of Eddie Vrdolyak. Fast Eddie hated the Irish, except for Ed Burke. Kass often quotes Burke in a favorable manner. See? Two can play this game.


Dart is who I am generally leaning to in terms of support for full disclosure, but regardless of that, this wouldn’t even make good blogging.  It’s factually wrong and that the Tribune continues to publish him is a clear sign of how the paper has fallen in standards.