Bill Preston and His Sign Outrage
Apparently, he gets around. Here’s a pic of him protesting the BP spill. Can’t tell for sure it’s the same guy, but it seems likely unless two random dudes who hold political signs have a Bill and Ted fetish.
Call It A Comeback
Apparently, he gets around. Here’s a pic of him protesting the BP spill. Can’t tell for sure it’s the same guy, but it seems likely unless two random dudes who hold political signs have a Bill and Ted fetish.
Kirk is just the awesomest politician ever.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Senate candidate Mark Kirk wants to bring an early end to the government bailout of banks and automakers, a program he originally supported.
The Republican says the Troubled Asset Relief Program is no longer needed. Kirk says the government would save $16 billion by halting TARP immediately.
Even if no action is taken, the TARP program is supposed to stop accepting new projects next month.
Emphasis mine. A profile in courage.
For more fun, Kirk is undecided on the Dream ACT:
While Democrat Alexi Giannoulias says he supports the DREAM Act, Congressman Mark Kirk is undecided.
This is on the heels of cutting a Spanish language ad where he talks about his deep support for the Latino community. But he hasn’t made up his mind whether those who serve in the US Military or attend college can be allowed to stay in the country. Tough call on that one.
Via Capitol Fax
He thinks Rich is a commie pinko homo loving satan worshipper:
The is comprehensive and not to be missed…but it is also true that it is an indentured foot-soldier of liberalism and apologist of abortion, gay lifestyle and all it involves. It has superb political connections with the Left and sits at the table with the lefty secular Big Foot journalists including Apassionata van Leftward the everlasting Girl Scout college girl `60s relic, Carol Marin, the one woman oligarchy. You’d imagine a town as big as Chicago would be able to different commentators—even if they have to echo the same liberal gruel. Not here. Marin is with The Chicago Sun-Times, NBC Channel 5 and WTTW-TV the public TV station.
A big blow to law enforcement came a few months ago when U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald…the dogged “Inspector Javert” of our time who prosecuted Scooter Libby for obstructing Justice in the Valerie Plame case when all along Fitzgerald knew the identity of the leaker… convicted a retired top police commander of “brutality,” a decorated Army veteran, Jon Burge, who earned a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and two Army commendation medals for pulling wounded men to safety while under fire.
Two white guys. A classic that is beyond parody at Illinois Review.
“All for One”
words & music: Kevin Chalfant & Chuck Giacinto
So tell me who will be the next to carry the torch
To ride in on a pure white horse
To wave the flag, to lead the way
To keep the promise of a bright new day
The dream is still alive inside our souls
Protecting the Freedom, we answer the call
Standing strong together, ‘though alone we may fall
Sacrificing All for One…and One for All
O’DONNELL: They’re getting away with nudity! They’re getting away with lasciviousness! They’re getting away with perversion!
Calling Dana Carvey.
Mark Kirk keeps on ranting about the budget deficit, but wants to make sure he’s in the Senate early to stop tax cuts for the wealthy from expiring as he voted for them to years ago:
In a fundraising email today, Kirk reminded supporters about the possibility of a lame duck session with a poll asking, “Which of the following potential lame duck issues do you think would hurt the economy the most?” The poll included four options, but one of them was particularly noteworthy: “A 900 billion tax increase by allowing current federal tax relief to expire.”
Kirk is talking about the Bush tax cuts, which are scheduled to expire at the end of the year, and his premise underscores the GOP’s scornfully dishonest framing of this debate.
To repeat, the Bush tax cuts are scheduled to expire; Republicans passed them into law with an end date in order to hide their true, massive cost. Contrary to the GOP talking points, Democrats aren’t scheming to raise taxes. If Congress simply does nothing, taxes will go up on their own, thanks to Republican policies.
Not allowing the portion of the tax cuts targeted to the wealthy to expire will create a $700 Billion in additional federal debt. So put him in early to get ahead of the game busting the budget!
Giving full credit to Brad Reed for coming up with her motto, but Christine O’Donnell is not only an uptight evangelical, but one who lectures and scolds everyone else for their behavior no matter how private. No one likes those kind of scolds. No one.
And since Brad came up with such a great motto, go join the Cheddarbomb for Feingold. He’s a a Cheesehead, but a decent one.