June 2010

The Most Accurate Bill Brady Commercial

Is not candidate approved


[flash https://archpundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/billbradyillinois.mp3]


From Mike Wilson’ s new blog which is quite funny–visit and see his other stuff.


Update: And while I thought it was universally known, Pekin High School’s mascot was a Chink.  No joke.  If you do a quick google search you’ll still find some morons defending the use of the name and wishing it was still around (it changed in 1980).  I can’t figure out if these people are slightly dumber or slightly smarter than people in Central Illinois who fly Confederate flags.  Then again as you rapidly approach zero, does it really matter?

Blair Hull Making Arnold Maremont Look Savvy

I’ve mentioned the story of Arnold Maremont before. The short version is Maremont wanted to be a US Senator and approached the first Mayor Daley about being the Democratic nominee.  He was a big donor and had done quite a bit for the party hoping to have it count.  Daley had him go to Central and Southern Illinois to see if a Jewish candidate could be accepted.  He did so, and so Daley gave the spot to Sydney Yates, a Jewish Congressman.

Hull was strung along by Daley in the 2004 primary in a somewhat similar manner to have Daley not endorse Hull.  Now, we find out Blagojevich pretty much wanted Hull as a piggy bank and viewed him as a clown.

Rod Blagojevich: Blair Hull actually thinks he thinks he can be Senator. Do you believe this guy? He’s an idiot.

Rob Blagojevich: So does Jesse Junior.

Rod Blagojevich: Yea. He’s got people calling to my house now, Jesse Junior.

Rob Blagojevich: Well, he’s putting the full court press on you. He’s gonna raise you money, pal.


Fox Chicago has a good archive of the audio released, though I couldn’t find the above there.

There isn’t much for me to say about the trial–it’s pretty much what I said he’d be on trial for back in 2006 when he was running for reelection. He ran the State of Illinois as his personal money making scheme.  The one thing I will say is that if this assclown was this clueless and careless, I have to question why it took federal prosecutors so long to get him. I understand Patrick Fitzgerald is cautious, and that’s a good thing in a prosecutor. That said, Fitzgerald could have put an end to this guy sooner being a bit more aggressive.  Now, the best defense against this mild criticism is who thought anyone was this stupid–to be talking openly on the phone which one should assume was bugged by this point is a special kind of stupid.


WTF is Going On In This Country?

I have a longer post, but really the most descriptive and best analysis of the modern conservative movement was written by Hofstadter–in the 1960s though much of his work in the 1950s led up to the Paranoid Style of American Politics.  Rich links to an Andrew Sullivan piece quoting some of Hofstadter’s earlier work quoting another person.   Hofstadter is to modern conservatism in the United States what De Toqueville was to America as a whole.  No one captures the modern paranoid and expert despiting right wing than he (pick up The Paranoid Style in American Politics: And Other Essays</a>> at Amazon)


The difference today is the lunatics have taken over the asylum.  A fairly good take on it in a far friendlier version than Hofstadter and quite funny is Charlie Pierce’s new book Idiot America.  I read it while traveling and people on the plane kept looking at me funny while I kept laughing. I strongly recommend picking it up:

Note to the Kirk Campaign

Everytime you send out one of those press releases about Alexi not being on some board no one has ever heard of….


I think of this:


In December 2008, Commander Kirk, while on active duty, participated in video discussions in the media about the unfolding situation involving then-Governor Blagojevich of Illinois. Members of the Armed Forces on active duty may not participate in television discussions as an advocate for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause.

In July 2009, while on active duty in the Washington area, either Commander Kirk or a staff member posted a “twitter” to his Senate campaign web site that indicated he was on duty at the National Military Command Center. At the time, Commander Kirk was a candidate for the Senate. Candidates for political office may not participate in any campaign activities while on active duty. They may not update or revise their websites, and they must inform their campaign staff of the applicable restrictions.

Department of Defense Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces, addresses these matters.

Hitting the other guy on his resume which had a couple exaggerations that weren’t terribly meaningful is silly when you have created huge liabilities for yourself on the issue. All it does is remind the press that your story is much bigger.

Rich points out that Mark Kirk is full of it:

That’s just bunk, as the Pentagon’s statement confirms

Commander Kirk was counseled about each of his violations after they occurred and signed a statement acknowledging the limitations on his ability to participate in campaign activities while on active duty. He was required to complete this acknowledgement before being allowed to begin active duty in December 2009.

In other words, Kirk was only able to obtain that waiver after he was “counseled” about his violations and signed a statement promising never to do it ever again.


Kirk is lying.  While I’ve been busy I’ve been watching this story and thinking that Mark Kirk really blew a good advantage by not having his staff double check his memory.  That would be a story, but one people could move past fairly easily.  Busy guy remembers wrong and looks kind of dumb admitting it.

Now, he’s flat out lying and there’s no defense.  After you have had time to set the record straight you continue to lie that you didn’t break any DOD regulations when there is a paper trail.  That’s not just stupid, but reckless.  Kirk got away with a lot running in IL-10 because people seemed to like him and he always had the Tribune to cover his ass. Now that he’s getting more attention, his thin skin is making this a fun meltdown to watch.