Drag Queens Blathering On A Bunch of Lies


Of course, I don’t have a birth certificate from the hospital. I have one from Will County which is the legal one that is accorded full faith and credit by the Constitution.  There’s a level of wingnuttery that continues to get into normal discussion that is remarkable.

Response to Tai(n)tz most recent filing

“It was deja vu all over again.”1

In  her  most  recent  tirade,  Plaintiff’s  counsel  seeks
reconsideration  of  the  Court’s  order  dismissing  this  action.     Instead 2
of seriously addressing the substance of the Court’s order, counsel
repeats her political diatribe against the President, complains that
she did not have time to address dismissal of the action (although
she  sought  expedited  consideration),  accuses  the  undersigned  of
treason, and maintains that “the United States District Courts in the

11th Circuit are subject to political pressure, external control, and
. . . subservience to the same illegitimate chain of command which
Plaintiff has previously protested.”  (Pl.’s Emergency Req. for Stay
of Deployment 2.)  This filing contemptuously ignores the Court’s

previous  admonition  that  Plaintiff’s  counsel  discontinue  her
illegitimate use of the federal judiciary to further her political
agenda.    The  Court  finds  that  the  claims  and  legal  contentions
asserted in the present motion are not warranted by existing law and
that  no  reasonable  basis  exists  to  conclude  that  Plaintiff’s
arguments  would  be  accepted  as  an  extension,  modification,  or
reversal  of  existing  law.    Simply,  put  the  motion  is  frivolous.
Moreover, the Court further finds that Plaintiff’s motion is being
presented for the improper purpose of  using the federal judiciary as
a platform to espouse controversial political beliefs rather than as
a  legitimate  forum  for  hearing  legal  claims.    Counsel’s  conduct
violates  Rule  11  of  the  Federal  Rules  of  Civil  Procedure,  and
sanctions  are  warranted.    Accordingly,  Plaintiff’s  motion  for
reconsideration (Doc. 15) is denied, and counsel for Plaintiff is
ordered  to  show  cause  why  the  Court  should  not  impose  a  monetary
penalty of $10,000.00 upon Plaintiff’s counsel for her misconduct.
Counsel shall file her response to this show cause order within 14
days of today’s order.


The new Andy Martin.

Playboy Makes You Gay

According to Tom Coburn’s COS:


SCHWARTZ: And one of the things that he said to me, that I think is an astonishingly insightful remark. He said, “all pornography is homosexual pornography because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards. Now think about that. And if you, if you tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think he’s going to want to go out and get a copy of Playboy? I’m pretty sure he’ll lose interest. That’s the last thing he wants.” You know, that’s a, that’s a good comment. It’s a good point and it’s a good thing to teach young people.


Yes, and telling them they will go to hell will stop them from masturbating. Or that 10 % of them will lie about masturbating. 

Flippity Floppity

Greg Hinz runs a uncharacteristically negative story on Kirk for Kirk’s flip flop on climate change legislation. Kirk is a bit of a golden boy in the press even for very good political reporters like Hinz because he seems to be uniquely talented as a politicians. It certainly helps that he is that centrist split the difference kind of guy that editorial boards and commentators tend to gravitate to, but ultimately the biggest thing about Kirk is that he seems to be a teflon candidate with incredible talent and admiration for the game does translate into admiration of the guy.  That’s a fairly natural point that many press critics miss when discussing press bias.


Specifically — a video of Mr. Kirk’s speech is posted on YouTube — a congressman known for his pro-environmental stances said he voted the way he did on this issue 
because, “It was in the narrow interests of my congressional district.

“But,” he quickly added as some in the Republican crowd booed, “as your (senator), representing the entire state of Illinois, I would vote ‘no’ against the bill coming up, and that’s because we are manufacturing, agriculture and coal state.”

What’s wrong with the statement? Answer: So many things, I almost don’t know where to begin.

For starters, it’s at odds with the explanation Mr. Kirk gave earlier this year. Asked then why he was one of only three House Republicans to back Mr. Obama’s proposal, Mr. Kirk cited “national security” considerations, arguing that a modest carbon tax would spur development of domestic energy sources and reduce dependence on oil controlled by Saudi sheiks and Venezuelan dictators.

So, are 10th District residents the only Illinoisans who care about national security?


At some point, consistency matters and generally statewide big name races are generally that point.  Kirk isn’t faced with a serious candidate during the primary right now, but petitioning is open until November 2nd.  I’m not convinced someone might not show up, but that’s exactly what Kirk is worried about right now and he’s tacking to his right to avoid that.  His goal is to not make too many promises to his base that he can’t safely tack to the center for the general election.  The other possibility is that the Club for Growth could come in for this opponent Patrick Hughes making it a Spector versus Toomey kind of race.

But right now the narrative that could well develop and Democrats are certainly happy to help with is that Kirk will say anything and has no core beliefs.  It works on two levels, it hits moderate voters and it works against him with his base which is already skeptical.

One fascinating stat from Rich’s post yesterday on Hughes’ poll is this:

58% oppose same sex marriage with 28% in favor.


There was some discussion that Giannoulias and Hoffman might be making a mistake on gay marriage by endorsing it, but I think this tells the story pretty well why it won’t matter.  Only 58 % of Illinois GOP primary voters are against gay marriage–that’s pretty stunning.  While some Democratic constituencies are against gay marriage such as black and latino voters, they don’t vote primarily on the issue and the GOP’s tack to the racist fringe isn’t going to change that anytime soon.  It’s a safe position for a Democratic politicians statewide. Certainly in a very close election, such positions can cost someone an election, but that’s true of almost any position.

Thrown in a Black Woman and Two White Guys and You Get Lazy Journalism

In what may well get me taken off their e-mail list, Roll Call runs one of the dumbest stories on the Illinois Senate race.  They compare the 2010 U.S. Senate race to the 1992 Senate race in which Carol Moseley Braun beat incumbent Al Dixon and Al Hofeld.  The primary comparison being that there are two white guys and a black woman.

So who is the incumbent? There isn’t one running. So who is the multimillionaire white guy attacking the no incumbent–they allude to Hoffman, but Hoffman has little in common with Hofeld.  Jackson is automatically Braun, but that’s not much of a comparison even.  Braun had served in the State House, had been Recorder of Deeds, and had a fairly strong record including suing the Illinois Democratic Party for reapportionment–not that she turned out well, but she started from a very different place.  Second, the dissatisfaction with Dixon was sparked by his vote to confirm Clarence Thomas and a general view that he was too open to compromise–and in this case the two white candidates are running to the left with both Alexi and Hoffman endorsing gay marriage.

So essentially all the article rests on is pure ethnic politics.  No one should dismiss the ethnic politics angles of the story, but that is far from the entire story and certainly not necessarily defining of the race.

Now, what one might compare it to is Barack Obama’s 2004 primary race, but that falls apart with SEIU being a key element to that election and they have already endorsed Alexi.  Obama won with a coalition of SEIU, African-Americans, liberals, and goo-goos as well as he’s working traditional trade unions hard.  Alexi has strong efforts with SEIU, liberals, and goo goos and has made some inroads into the African-American community plus is following an important aspect of Blagojevich’s first win–a significant downstate strategy.  He certainly won’t win the African-American vote, but in a primary it’s a competition over the margins.  Jackson has little presence outside of Chicago and she has to catch up in a relatively short time.  Hoffman is not well known anywhere and without knowing how his fundraising will go or if he’s willing to self-finance, it’s impossible to tell if he can be competitive.  Neither is likely to do well with traditional trades and anyone attached to Blagojevich is going to have a hard time with AFSCME.

I think as the one thing the article gets right is that Alexi is the frontrunner with two big caveats.  We don’t know good of a candidate Hoffman will be, but up until now he appears to be fairly lackluster, though he is laying out a good progressive agenda.  Jackson has a base, but it’s hard to see how she expands on that base.   She does have Emily’s list support and that’s can be positive, but the salience of women’s issues is far lower than in 1992.

Daily Dolts: Ron Stephens and Kirk Dillard—ACORN Must Flouridate Our Water

In the world of stupid legislators, few outdo Representative Ron Stephens (R-Wingnuttia South).  Ron decided that flouridation of the water was a bad idea and introducted a bill against flouridation.  Seriously.


Stephens jumped on the bandwagon to cut off state funding to ACORN last week.  Problem is—ACORN doesn’t receive state funding and while ACORN Housing operates in Illinois, ACORN not housing does not.  So…let’s recap, ACORN no longer operates in Illinois and hasn’t for a couple years and the state doesn’t fund it, but Ron Stephens wants to defund them.

Thanks for keeping your eye on the important things, Ron.

Rich then adds that the fine Dillard Campaign called for an end to all such funding on Friday as well.


Teh Stupid is spreading.

Schock Runs Into Racist at a Teabagger Event

Schock went down to Quincy for a teabagger rally on 9-12 and he hung out with the other featured speakers like Andrew Breitbart, Glenn Reynolds, and, oh yeah, Jim Hoft, the Gateway Pundit.  A guy who likes to link to the fine white supremacists at the Council of Conservative Citizens:


Saint Louis Pushes Back catches Jim Hoft giving some love to the Council of Conservative Citizens:


Jim Hoft, also known as Gateway Pundit, has amazingly descended to a new, despicable low. After trumping up the school bus beatings in Belleville as “vicious racist attacks” (even though students, the mayor, and prosecutors said the attack was not racially motivated), he now links to a youtube channel from a white supremacist group with the video title, “2nd White kid attacked by blacks on school bus, racial slur used”:


Despite the claim in the title of the video, nothing is said in any of the news reports about the attackers’ skin color. In the KMOV interview, the victim emphasizes only that they were “too older kids in eighth grade.” He did mention that they called him a “white N”, but that name seems just as likely to come from white racists as anyone else. In fact, Hoft even admits in an update, “I do not have a reliable source for the race of the attackers.”
Yet that does not stop Hoft from playing the race-baiting card by linking to the youtube channel from the white supremicist group The Council of Conservative Citizens, who are the direct offshoot of the White Citizen’s Council. You can see on the bottom right of the following screen the link the council from the host channel:
For those who haven’t been around long, here’s my past run in with the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. Warning harsh racist rhetoric.
The Teabaggers want to claim they don’t have a problem with racism, yet a featured speaker at many of their events is approvinglin linking to a group of white supremacists that are well known in the area.  I don’t doubt that Dana Loesch and Hennessey are not racists–but pretending some of their allies aren’t is delusional.
It’s not just a picture with Hoft though, Hoft was a featured speaker with Schock at the event as you can see by the videos on the page.  Some find friends there Aaron.

Andy McKenna?

Really? The IL GOP is going to come back with him ?


I understand Murphy’s fundraising was subpar, but he was pretty much the only guy I saw as a serious threat given the screwed up nature of the Illinois GOP.

McKenna has serious base problems and isn’t particularly well liked in the media.  Schillerstrom is a baby killer (I’m not making fun of him with that statement).  Brady is, well Brady.  Dillard did a commercial for Obama and has many base problems and he is the Foghorn.  Andrzejewski (the z is killing me) has virtually no political base and no political experience.  Finally, every Democrats’ favorite candidate, Dan Proft who has never met a situation he couldn’t blow up to make worse.

Murphy has a sort of calm charm to him that makes him safe to swing voters and is conservative enough without too much bipartisanship to balance the demographics of the state with Democratic problems–and of course, he’s not running for Governor anymore.



It’s So Sad When Families Don’t Take Care of Their Elderly

Tom Roeser’s family continues to allow him internet access no matter how delusional he becomes:


I have always regarded smug late-night TV comics with suspicion since it is clear they are driven to court social upscale wannabes who laugh at conservatives like me…but I am being educated to the fact that there is evidently something different about Jay Leno that distinguishes him from David Letterman. Leno came roaring back to TV the other night and knocked all his competitors out of the box on ratings. Yet he was severely panned by TV critics for having a show that was stilted, dull, a faint imitation of his old gig, etc. Very little mention was made of his spectacular ratings. Then a different critic wrote something that told me why.

Leno wore a familiar small American flag in his lapel which set the arch-liberal critics who disdain patriotism because it is so-so-so gauche. Letterman, he said, is the ultimate New York eastern lefty sophisticate.  Gee, I didn’t know there was that much difference between them, did you? Evidently this octogenarian has been missing something. Leno is a patriot and Letterman is a scoffer with upraised eyebrow with attitudes that are pro-Third World and anti-American? Is this true? I still won’t watch either one but if among you there are people who are tuned in to the differences, would you please tell me at thomasfroeser@sbcglobal.net? And thanks.


He also claimed Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn are lovers. That’s libel actually, but he continues to have access to his keyboard.

Roeser also jumps on this bizarre ACORN meme, though he appears to be quite fine with Blackwater.  Go figure.  He also doesn’t appear to understand the differences between ACORN and ACORN Housing–ACORN Housing not being the organization involved in the, ahem, ‘sting’ and also the one more likely to receive government support for housing counseling.


But really, Tom Roeser’s family is letting an old senile man make a fool of himself everyday. It’s quite sad no one cares enough about him to take away his keyboard.