They’re Too Soft

Rich takes on some of the claims that Obama’s team can’t handle what Clinton and others will throw at them.


Giangreco was central to Rod’s reelection–you know, the one where he ran against George Ryan…uhhhh…Judy.

Let me add as I briefly mentioned below. Gibbs worked with the team that torpedoed Dean with the terrorism commercials in Iowa. That might not ingratiate him to others, but he’s good at fighting. He just had an embarrassment of riches in 2004 with Keyes.

Hildebrand ran a brutal campaign against Bradley in Iowa. Every damned event Gore people were there mucking it up.

Burton was working in a very effective press shop at DCCC this cycle. They turned out good work the entire campaign keeping the Republicans off of message.

I don’t know if this team will win, but it’s certainly a group who can handle a punch and hit back.

Scaife is Getting the Band Back Together

Expect to see the Illinois Project modeled on the Arkansas Project.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review takes a shot at “Obama’s Closet”

Interesting pattern: Only Barack’s middle name is used in the article. Huh….

More fun in this quote:

Said the senator later in an interview: “It was reflective of the struggles and confusion of a teenage boy.” Usually, when discussing drug use, politicians urge kids and their parents to “Just say no” to drugs. Barack Obama forgot to do so.

The whole quote

What about confessing to drug use? You talk about marijuana and cocaine.

Oh, look, you know, when I was a kid, I inhaled. Frequently. That was the point.

It was, wasn’t it?

You know, it’s, it’s not something I make light of. It’s something that I wrote actually about in my first book, and it was reflective of the struggles and confusion of a teen-age boy. And in that sense, I think, the vast majority of Americans understand that teen-age boys are frequently confused.

Sort of a different context there, isn’t it.

Kevin Bacon connections:

use drop cap here) Our story shifts to Baghdad. Ayham Alsammarae, an American of Iraqi descent who is a Cabinet member and Electricity minister, was jailed and waiting trial on corruption charges. But he escaped jail and claims to be out of Iraq. His whereabouts are unknown. He left with the assistance of “foreigners,” according to Iraqi police, who say an earlier escape attempt was assisted by two U.S. security contractors since departed from Iraq.

Alsammarae is a friend of Tony Rezko; the FBI is said to seek information on $2 billion in missing money meant to rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure.

The connection to Alsammarae? None apparently other than knowing Rezko. And no mention that Alsammarae’s primary political ties are to Bush

And then claiming some nefarious connection to ACORN

But back in Chicago, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is more important than Iraq or Washington. ACORN and its associated Midwest Academy, both founded in the 1970s, continue to train and mobilize activists throughout the country, often using them to manipulate public opinion through “direct action.” It’s sometimes a code for illegal activities.

Prior to law school, Barack Obama worked as an organizer for their affiliates in New York and Chicago. He always has been an ACORN person — meeting and working with them to advance their causes. Through his membership on the board of the Woods Fund for Chicago and his friendship with Teresa Heinz Kerry, Obama has helped ensure that they remain funded well.

Since he graduated from law school, Obama’s work with ACORN and the Midwest Academy has ranged from training and fundraising, to legal representation and promoting their work.

What exactly it is that Obama was involved with in the case of ACORN that is illegal is never identified. ACORN has more than it’s share of problems, but it’s a bit bizarre to tie Obama to that.

In three of his five years he was director of the Developing Communities Project funded by the dastardly Catholic Churches in South Chicago. His primary connection to ACORN is through classes he has helped with…terrifying I tell you. The Gamaliel Foundation was another he worked with which is based on community organizing and is affiliated with….faith based organizing. Shocking. The Midwest Academy? An activist training organization. Oh, and the Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation are deep dark foundations trying to, you know, work and improve on inner cities and the such. How could it be.

It’s only going to get worse, but if you think this is nothing to worry about, remember what Scaife did to Clinton with $1.8 million. It doesn’t matter if anything is true, it only matters if these clowns can get it in print.

Illinois Political Pro Employment Act

It’s nothing like when millionaires run for something, but Obama will be keeping several local shops and people employed.

The Trib ran down some of the folks. Those most familiar to those on the blog:

Robert Gibbs
Bill Burton formerly of the DCCC

No word on Dan Shomon’s role–Shomon does public relations for many candidates and worked for Obama for a long time and is a favorite target in Cap Fax comments for apparently disgruntled people for no apparent reason.

And, of course, to make it bloggy, enter your favorite jokes about the crew (nothing really mean)

Most notable to me is that Gibbs and Giangreco both outbaby face me and I have a baby face.

TPM has a more exhaustive list:

* David Plouffe: likely campaign manager, senior strategist for Gephardt in ’04 and former executive director of the DCCC.
* Steve Hildebrand: accompanied Obama to Iowa and has been reaching out to potential staff behind the scenes, Daschle’s campaign manager in ’04 and Tim Johnson’s in ’02. Ran the Iowa caucuses for Gore in ’00.
* Robert Gibbs: communications director, a campaign veteran.
* Lou Susman: – will fundraise for Obama if he runs, Kerry’s national finance chair in ’04, formerly worked for Vilsack.
* David Axelrod: chief strategist and media consultant, formerly worked for Vilsack and Edwards.
* Paul Harstad: pollster, formerly worked for Vilsack.
* Matt Rodriguez: “friend” of the campaign who helped staff Obama in NH, political director of Gephardt’s ’04 pres campaign.
* Jim Demers: “friend” of the campaign, NH lawyer and strategist.
* Devorah Adler: likely research director, recent research director for the DNC.
* Shauna Daly: likely deputy director, recent deputy director for the DNC.
* Julianna Smoot: finance director, DSCC finance director in ’06 and Edwards’ finance director in ’04.
* Valerie Jarrett: part of inner circle, friend of Obama’s and a veteran of Chicago Democratic circles.
* Bill Burton: likely to join staff, press secretary for House Democrats’ midterm campaign.
* Paul Giangreco: direct mail, media consultant and veteran of Iowa caucuses.
* Larry Grisolano: direct mail, Giangreco’s West Coast partner.

I’m not sure which is worse–Giangreco being called Paul or being towards the end of the list

Hildebrand ran Gore’s 2000 campaign in Iowa which will still piss off most of the Bradley people, but oddly, Gibbs raises more anger over being close to the people who ran the negative Dean ad in Iowa on terrorism.

Vilsack would probably have a formidable team if Barack wasn’t running.

One of the best things is that the campaign team isn’t dominated by people from D.C. That’s a good thing since D.C. is a world unto itself.

US Government Confirms, It Actually Thinks the Grand Canyon is Millions of Years Old

snark Courageous /snark, but still troubling, from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

While this is the first time that the Park Service has gone on record distancing itself from the book, Grand Canyon: A Different View by Tom Vail, on sale in park bookstores, the Barna statement does not explain:

* Why did the Park Service approve it for sale? Under agency rules, park officials are only to allow display materials of the highest accuracy and which support approved park interpretive themes in its bookstores;
* What happened to the “policy review” on the book promised in public statements and in letters to members of Congress by Barna and other NPS officials?
* Why has NPS refused for the past five years to issue the pamphlet entitled “Geologic Interpretive Programs: Distinguishing Science from Religion” providing guidance to park rangers and other interpretive staff on how to answer questions relating to creationism, evolution and related topics?

The Barna statement notes “This book is sold in the inspirational section of the bookstore” but omits the fact that this “inspirational” section was created after PEER exposed the fact that the book was being sold as a “natural history.” The inspirational section now includes anthropological works on Native American culture but no other work remotely resembling the Vail book.

The new Park Service statement implies it will keep selling the creationist book for the foreseeable future, despite protests from the agency’s own specialists that the book’s approval violated Park Service rules.

“Our only point is that the Park Service should stop selling the book with a government seal of approval,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch. “Nonetheless, we are delighted that the Park Service has, after three years, finally chosen to publicly and unambiguously acknowledge that the Grand Canyon is the product of evolutionary geologic forces.”

As Doonesbury said, teach the controversy apparently….

Waiting for the Novel Excuses

How many ways will Sam Adam try and say all of this was planted by the FBI?

Rich linked to the video of the Troutman press conference both the other day and if you ignored his suggestion to go watch, go watch. And does his column on it this week.

The racial end of the difference between when this sort of thing happens to white officials and black officials isn’t hard to understand from a historical perspective. Whenever a new ethnic group gains power, a disproportionate share of officials of that ethnic group have hangers ons who get in trouble or the official herself gets in trouble. Justifying it in their minds because of past situations where they were shut out of power, the ethnic group rallies around the accused.

Troutman is the latest example, but the bizarre backing of William Jefferson is another recent example.

Substitute Irish for black and go back 50 years and the story is about the same–but eventually there must come a time when that sort of excusing the behavior ends. In many ways it is when minority politicians aren’t viewed all that differently from the major ethnic group and hence, we somewhat see that coming to pass with people like Obama and Ford. The first few cases don’t end the process, but they do signify a change.

None of this excuses the pattern because certainly, people like Jefferson and allegedly Troutman have ripped off the public. And the individual cases where there is a rallying around an obviously corrupt individual in such communities should lead to a greater push for sound leadership–though every ethnic/racial group goes through the process, eventually, it is only through electoral consequences that things change.

Then we can get down to politicians just being corrupt and having cronies backing them for personal gain instead of a misplaced sense of group identity.

Dolt of the Day

Sure to be a repeat winner, Fran Eaton raises the flag that Obama’s attendance at Trinity UCC under Jeremiah Wright, Jr., might be preaching that one race is superior to another.

The evidence?

Well, errrr, ummmm, there is none.

So congratulations to Fran Eaton for producing the most vacuous column I’ve read in some time.

Recently I questioned whether a man with such close ties to a church and spiritual advisor that teaches Afrocentricity — Sen. Obama — would feel compelled to politically advocate hot button issues such racial quotas and affirmative action if he were to be elected president.

A Trinity member responded, “I am offended by your insinuation that people cannot be proud and embrace their ethnic heritage without being blinded to the needs and concerns of others.

“For you to suggest that only members of non-denominational/multicultural congregations are open-minded enough to be president is highly misguided and inflammatory,” she wrote.

This lady was understandably offended when I visited her church out of curiosity and came away with questions about the church’s teachings. Those questions became the subject of a column in a city known for its racial strife.

Racial division bothers me. As a firm believer in a creator and His wisdom and creativity, I believe we are all here because the creator allowed us to be. I revere Him and His design of each human. Skin color means no more to me than hair color does. God alone determines who our parents are and when we are allowed to be on this earth.

Elevation of any race over another, especially when preached from a pulpit, should disturb us all. We should question the wisdom and sensitivity of anyone — including Barack Obama — who can sit under angry teaching year after year and still look to the divisive messenger as a spiritual adviser.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. cautioned against teachings of racial supremacy. Two months before the historic march on Washington and his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, King told thousands at a Detroit rally, “I can understand from a psychological point of view why some caught up in the clutches of the injustices surrounding them almost respond with bitterness and come to the conclusion that the problem can’t be solved within, and they talk about getting away from it in terms of racial separation. But even though I can understand it psychologically, I must say to you this afternoon that this isn’t the way.

“Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy.”

Missing, however, is any evidence that Wright or Obama are racial supremacists. As the quote Eaton uses demonstrates, Africentrism (as Wright actually refers to the idea) is that African-Americans are protagonists in history, not just subjects acted upon by those in the west. In other words, African history matters too and not only when it interacts with Western history. This isn’t a terribly difficult concept to understand.

And before Eaton whines again, she should specify a teaching by Wright that actually suggests African-Americans are superior racially.

Republican micro-targeting

As Larry points out, there was nothing new in Bush’s Iraq speech last night, and so I certainly don’t have anything new to say about it, but I couldn’t help but notice one thing.

In the 2000 campaign, Bush ran as a “uniter” and at least claimed to be trying to appeal to all Americans.

By 2004, he’d completely alienated about 45% of the country and was left with a campaign structured around Republicans, religious conservatives, and middle-class or upper-middle-class independents in the suburbs and exurbs.

Sometime in 2005, he lost independents, which was why their 2006 campaign was a desperate attempt to turn out the Republican base.

They lost in no small part because the Republican base itself has waned as the administration’s mismanagements grew more obvious.

But, finally, last night, we reached a whole new plane. The President gave a speech aimed directly at Republican members of Congress, knowing that there was pretty much nobody else he could possibly convince. In other words, in the space of 7 years, he’s gone from an audience of over 251,000,000 people to an audience of 251.

And, from the looks of it, even that’s a tough sell.

It’s the incredible shrinking constituency.