The Same Playbook: Bush and Blagojevich
Yeah, I’m not a happy camper today.
The kerfluffle over Kerry’s flubbing of a line is predictable and annoying, but the way non-stories get the center of attention. In this case, that’s not terribly bad since everyone keeps hearing over and over again the phrase stuck in Iraq. I’m not sure of the wisdom of that move by the national GOP given the polling on the way, but hey, have at it.
But what do I find this morning? Blagojevich attacking Topinka for running down those who honor our veterans. Rich has two commercials up about it. Topinka was saying that Quinn needs to do more and ensure the administration honors the veterans hiring preference that there is some deal of evidence suggesting it’s not been honored in many cases.
Topinka’s son is in the military. He’s serving right now. She doesn’t disrespect those who honor veterans or the troops. She may be wrong on policy–that’s a fair criticism, but to suggest she doesn’t care about veterans or the troops is bullshit. Pure bullshit.
She phrased what she said badly–and an advisor might suggest to her that every time she says, “I don’t want this to sound bad…,” to just stop. It does sound bad. You are giving sound bites to the other guy. Again. Using the rolling pin on yourself.
The point is valid and we all know what she meant in context.
It’s the samd damn play. If you are mad at Kerry and not Topinka, there’s something wrong with you. If you are mad at Topinka and not Kerry, there’s something wrong with you. If you are not mad at either, you get the consistency award and should be mad at Bush and Blagojevich. I am.
As Rich has pointed out, this is the “Say anything” campaign and I’ve had enough.
If you are going to attack someone for energy deregulation votes–then cite the damn vote and not a non-existent story. That’s called lying.
Now, there’s a whole slew of reasons why the dereg bill isn’t at fault for the current proposed increase, but that’s not a partisan problem, it’s a bi-partisan problem of appointing the fox to guard the chicken coop. One can criticize the dereg bill, but frankly the bill was modest and properly implemented could help consumers and spur green energy through consumer choice.
But I digress. Liberal and moderate blogs have talked about being the reality based community. It’s too bad the Democratic Party in Illinois has two people on the statewide ballot who don’t care to be a part of that community. It’s a shame given the other four have long been a part of the community and are committed to staying that way.