October 2005

Pretty typical for Fox

Falafal Boy is attacking blogs tonight

AUTHOR BERNARD GOLDBERG: There are some conservatives on the list [?100 People Who Are Screwing Up America?], but there are mostly liberals. And when they could write unanimously on the Web, you know, a review or post.

O?REILLY: Blogs. I don?t even read them. I mean, it?s so outrageous.

GOLDBERG: It?s beyond ? it?s beyond vile.

O?REILLY: Let?s go to the ? look, that?s just a waste of time. You shouldn?t even read it. It?s garbage. Nobody cares about it. Everybody knows the simpletons who are doing it are cowards and they don?t have any influence. [7/18/05]

Hey Bill—SHUT UP!

Rauschenberger Up Slightly

Statisitically it’s a tie against Blagojevich in the WSJ Battleground poll

Rauschenberger 41.3%
Blagojevich 40.4%

The Edgar trial run

Edgar 48.3%
Blagojevich 36.3%

Brady (an unknown State Senator from Bloomington

Brady 37.5%
Blagojevich 42.2%

+/- 3.0%

Given the numbers, my guess is that 40% is the floor below which Blagojevich can’t fall in this state with its Democratic lean. More likely 45% with a bad campaign–though I expect it to not be a bad campaign.

These numbers will be a huge boost to Rauschenberger now that the establishment may well be open to other candidates. With Judy wavering and Edgar out, Rauschenberger seems to be the establishment guy given the rest of the field. These sort of numbers will help him out quite a bit.

If it isn’t clear yet to the supporters of the Guv, he needs a Come to Jesus moment with the voters.