So, I Can’t Help Myself
Kooky Kucinich is hitting the Natural Law Party beat again. While I’m unconcerned with nutty beliefs in the abstract, the Natural Law Party wants to turn faith based science into policy. We would not find it funny (actually we do not find it funny when Christian Reconstructionists attempt to impose their beliefs in public policy. We shouldn’t find it funny when other strange beliefs try to impose themselves on public policy. That is, unless you think that prisons ought to adopt transcendental meditation with a bit of yogic flying thrown added.
Well, maybe funny, but not serious.
As an added synergy, the Religious Counterfeits web site funded by Ahmanson takes on the Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi.
Are Democrats going to allow this sort of pseudoscientific nonsense to have a place in the party? I should hope not given how many of us complain about creationism.
It is important to respect faith, but not those who would impose it upon others.